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Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU, Japan) JLCP Virtual Summer Program 참가자 모집


2022 Summer Japanese Virtual Programme.pdf

Questionnaire for the Japanese Course.docx

일본 Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU)에서 진행하는 '2022 Summer Japanese Virtual Programme' 참가자를 모집하고 있습니다. 
하기 및 첨부하는 프로그램 브로슈어 확인 후 온라인 참가를 희망하는 학생께서는 아래 지원 서류들을 준비하시어 국제교류교육원 담당자에게 이메일(, 054-478-7221) 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다. 
*본 온라인 과정은 일본어로 진행되오니 (영어 세션도 포함), 반드시 일본어 기초 혹은 중급 레벨 이상의 실력을 소지하신 분만 지원 가능합니다. 

총 모집 인원은 3명이며, 모집 인원 초과 지원 시에는 우리대학 전체 성적 상위순으로 선발 예정입니다. 감사합니다.
*이메일 제출 마감일: 4월 6일(수) 17:00까지 
*이메일 제출처:
*문의처: 054-478-7221

 Application Documents  

1. Questionnaire for Japanese Language Courses 2022 Summer  

2.    Official academic transcript  (영문)

3.    Profile photo  


Overview of TMU 2022 Summer JLCP

 Contents of Program  

This program consists of 13-hour Japanese Language Courses including lessons given by lecturers and individual tutorial sessions, 

12-hour self-study using e-learning system, 3-hour English lectures on Japanese Culture and Society, plus opportunity to interact with local Japanese TMU students for language and cultural exchange. Please refer to the 2nd page of the flyer for the timetable.  

 Program Length  

June 27th, 2022 – July 5th, 2022  


 Japanese Language Placement Test  

Students will be allocated to classes based on their Japanese language level according to the result of online placement test. 

Link to the test website will be provided at a later date.   

 Program Fee  


 Number of Applicants Allowed per Partner Institution  

 ​3 students each  


 Number of Participants  

Maximum: 20 students  

*Program will be cancelled if the total number of applicants is below the minimum registration of 12 students.  

 Application Documents  

1. Questionnaire for Japanese Language Courses 2022 Summer  

2.    Official academic transcript  

3.    Profile photo  

 Method of Application  

Please instruct your students to fill in the necessary information and submit required documents on our application website: 


 Deadline for Application  

April 10th, Sunday, 2022 (Japan Standard Time)  


 Announcement of Application Result  

We are expecting to notify all the applicants of the result around the middle of April. 

* Please do not cancel the participation of your student once your enrolment to this program is finalized 


Please feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns regarding the program.  

Thank you in advance for all your support and we are very much looking forward to welcoming your students in our virtual JLCP this summer!  


Kind regards,  


東京都立大学管理部国際課 留学生交流係

International Affairs Office
Tokyo Metropolitan University  

1-1 Minami-osawa, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0397 JAPAN 

​Tel: +81-42-677-2030 / Fax:+81-42-677-5644 
